Resurrection of Srini

Sunday, January 22, 2006


One man's Soldier is another man's Terrorist. We just quantify our perceptions based on our own desires. Law and order today is someonez perception before U and I were born, his/her perception behind framing of the rules was limited to knowledge sought, environment that surrounded and Law framework in the neighbouring states / countries during that time.
Technology today, can isolate every single strand of a DNA, who will refine dirty Politics? the so called Socialism is exploited by inefficient leaders. True leaders are hard to find, developed or developing countries, they all have the same problems.
To quote an example, Bush had reacted so slow during the Katrina devastation, he has more control of his army base anywhere else in the world apart from his own country. We often glorify the developed nations for its Political stability, Excellent Governance, nobody knows the flaws they're hiding behind the scenes. How many of you can walk safely in the US downtowns after 8pm? Which cop will be able to rescue you from them?.
While in the US, I called for a cab to a place near to Cincy downtown, waited for an hour, later learnt that the cabs refused to pick up just because its a Crime area and it took ones guts to get there.
Indian politics have high degree of entropy, we people choose our leader, cast the vote, it just takes a stupid coalation party to buy other parties and decide on a moron within the remix parties. If the parties are themselves chosing the leaders, why do we need to vote?


Blogger Srini said...

Democracy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another :-)

8:50 PM  

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