Resurrection of Srini

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Gimme a break! I often utter these words when I get sentimental, I am not sure if GOD had any work, created humans and fucked their fate.
No matter who you are, how saneful you are, you gotto bow your ass to emotions and sentiments. Often wonder, how the hell can I tackle this one? Misinterpretations, break ups, we tend to be reactive to such situations, my problem is the world's biggest problem! yes, we see our issues in the size of a football, however we disguise other's problems to the size of a grain.
I want to crib, pour out my worries and confide in some person, who is ready to listen? you gotto fix it yourself. Alright, you fixed one and you're peppy, then comes a bigger one.
The whole process is a continuous cycle, spares none until grave.


Blogger Srini said...

I will not believe in god if I knew the future

8:03 PM  
Blogger Srini said...

I have a conf call with him tonight, lemme ask him :-)

2:43 AM  

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