Resurrection of Srini

Monday, January 01, 2007


DEC-6-2006 is the day my little Niki took birth, she was all set to hop on to the new world, getting her out was an easy task, Rajani was in false labour the same morning, we had returned home after the hospital visit. Surprizingly, we had to head back to the hospital same evening, due to labor pains, this time it was for real..though, this was the most tensed and exciting phase of child birth, Rajani somehow gained enough courage to tolerate the pain until she was given epidural, after which she never experienced pain and Niki was out in 3 hours. Since this happened in the US, I got to see the entire birthing process, I had already seen them on a couple of educative DVDs, this onez real and mine...
If you thought being born was easy, you're wrong, our moms have withstood the mount everest of all pain peaks, we owe them everything for causing that pain.
Enough of sentiments, Niki is born weighing 6lb and 9 oz, she was 20in tall during birth..

I am glad that I had, and still have the support of my brother & my parents for being with us, helping us and providing support throughout.

We're now watching our little Niki grow...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Knee Surgery

Arthoscopy on 15th nov 2006 at the Lake forest bone and joint institute. The ligament damage that happened during dec 2005 applied a permanent brake to my games, my monthly 350 for insurance is anyways on the higher side, if it did provide any benefit, it had to be now, I decided to check out orthopedics here, took my second MRI, which revealed torn ACL and minor meniscal damage. I have now undergone an Arthoscopy and my doc Roger Chams has reconstructed my torn ligament by using the tendons on my ham.
The confidence of my doc was so damn high, he has given me a DVD showing the torn ligament and also some clips of him fixing the same [I could not believe I was watching my knee which was screwed, and then the new reconstructed ligament put back in its place].

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Long weekend, ending july4 2006

This time, we decided to conquer one of the world wonders, the wonder that shines across US and Canada, Niagara falls. This is our 2nd wonder visits, we were done with TajMahal and now it was Niagara

Me, Rajani and her friend's family decided to trip together, we rented a Nissan Pathfinder SUV to accomodate 5 of us and also excess baggage, started our journey towards Niagara on a saturday morning, it took me 2hrs just to getout of Chicago, now you can imagine the amount of traffic on 90 ! The weather guys had predicted rough weather with thunder storms all along the east coast and we were taking a risk [if you watched this movie called The Weather Guy, you will understand why Nicholas Cage gets assaulted often, this turned out to be the case with us too].

There were no stoppings once we got out of Chicago, we did stop over near Cleveland for our Lunch, from then on we were headed to Buffalo, reached Buffalo around 2am and checked into the Hilton right across the Buffalo international airport, hit the bed and woke up by 9, enjoyed the complimentary brunch at the hiltons, clicked some pictures and we were all set to hit the Niagara state park, approximates a 30 min drive from airport.

Reached the Niagara state park around 12pm, circling around to find a place to park, the parking was incredibly full and some how managed to get into a MLP.

As we walked around the lakes, Rajani and I were growing impatient as we could not wait anymore to see the fall, Rajani's friends had seen this place more than once, our wait was finally over when we saw the falls and its beauty, we did a boat tour called maid of the mist, got into cave of winds, stayed back until late evening to see the Niagara falls lighted, and followed by firework show right above the falls.

It was about 11pm when we got off the state park and hit the roads, our next destination was Pittsburg, we planned to goto Venkateswara temple at Pittsburg, I drove the next 3 hrs and finally fell so sleepy, called my friend Venu to drive us to the extended stay at Pittsburg, cant recall how we got there, hit the bed and woke up at 10am, had a quick breakfast and drove down to the temple, this temple aint that big as the one in Aurora, it was a devine experience to visit the US based indian god, ate pongal, tamrind rice and some upma, we even did a to go and hit to roads to the next stop at Wheeling in West Viginia, this is a place called Palace of Gold, which was built in memory of Prabhupada, founder of ISKON and its preachings across the globe. The temple was built by his desciples and was a sceneric place amidst a hill top.
It was almost 5pm and we had our 9hr drive back home to Chicago.

Madhuri, Rajani's friend got behind the wheels, I was initially little scared, but later convinced that she drove well even on the interstate.

Just when we thought every thing was so fine, we had to pull over for some coffee at a McDonalds, Rajani was screaming, Venu, his mom and Madhuri were on their run towards the exit, I had no choice but to run behind them without knowing what was the reason behind this, all of us got into our car and drove away, Rajani was still in a shock, after a 2 minute panic, Venu told me that a black pointed a gun towards him, this was when Venu pulled his wallet to pay at the cash register, he ran and so was the panic around me. We were lucky that things were not messed up.

Continued our drive back home and reached park Butterfield at 5am on July4th.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ha Ha

I read my previous post, realized how stupid I could become, its a Friday and its My day!

Feel like tuning into some Jazz !

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Status Quo

How do you like when every answer to any question was a no?

Got a Home? No
Got a Car? No
Phone? No
Access to the new System?No
Access to a printer? No
Credit history? No
Bank account? No

Rajani and I have come to Chicago, we reached here on 8th April, Ive started my work with KRAFT FOOD, one of Infy Clients, going through a tough experience of saying "No" to everyone.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Gang Posted by Picasa

Infy Posted by Picasa

Oracle  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hot Happenings

  • Rajani and I moved back to Vidyaranyapura
  • Ugadi was spent with family
  • Hit Hosur road @110 kmph [never happens !]
  • Became an uncle, Ravi [my BIL, Rajani's bro] has a new born baby girl.
  • Rajani and I might travel pretty soon.[ May be the east coast !]